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Rainy Days and Mondays

It's 7:22 PM. It's been raining non-stop since yesterday and it's getting harder and harder to keep ourselves warm and dry here in Laguna. But I feel even worse for my customers who have to leave the comfort of their homes to buy supplies like food and cellphone load. If only there was a better way of serving them -- door-to-door delivery perhaps? Ah, yes. Soon. I hope.

For now, all I have to share is a smile of gratitude and some small talk to keep their minds off the rain and rising gutter waters. While a small sari-sari (variety) store like mine can't offer them rainy day sales or loyalty points, I know that staying open and reliable in this dreary weather is a small but welcome relief to them. So here I sit, inside looking out, manning this rain-drenched little store waiting for the next customer not just to ring a sale, but most especially to touch a heart.

Stay warm and dry everyone! <3